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2020 reading challenge

We're doing something a little different this year. We both love to read, but we both struggle finding time to fit it in.

So... to challenge ourselves and up our reading game, we've joined in the 2020 Reading Challenge on Goodreads and we're following along with Reese Witherspoon's Book Club.

After we read the book, we'll talk about it on a future podcast.

This month's pick is Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid.

We'd love it if you joined us. Send us your questions, tell us what you're reading or what you recommend we read. Post pictures of you reading this book - or any book - with the #phoomoosereads

We both love reading on the Kindle app from Amazon. It syncs to all our devices so we can knock out a couple pages while waiting in line or at the doctor's office. Plus, for those of us that travel quite a bit, it's so nice to have ALL THE BOOKS with you without adding weight to your carry on.

Plus... if you really get into reading, we highly recommend Kindle Unlimited. You can read - or listen! - all you want each month. Plus, if you click this link during Jan 2020, you can get TWO months trial for FREE... or THREE months for just $.99. Yup... that's THREE months for less than a dollar!!

If you love it, it renews for just $9.99/month. That's less than the cost of a single paperback!

No matter how or what you read... just read. It's good to keep your brain occupied with imagination.


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