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healthy new year - some love from Dr. Mark Hyman

How is 2017 treating you so far? My January rocked! I was able to spend almost a month with the folks over the holiday break and even had an amazing trip to see the sis (you know, the "p" in phood) in Denver - but more on that another time.

With all of the entertaining and festivities during November and December, a healthy lifestyle was not my priority. Truth. Now, here I am in the chill of the midwestern winter and not feeling so spunky. It just so happened that I came to that realization on the day that Marie Forleo sent me her newsletter detailing her interview with functional medicine expert, Dr. Mark Hyman. I have read his books and listened to work for a while now, but sometimes you have to be in a new space in your head to hear a new message. After my dazzling December and jamming January, I was in the just the right head space to stop and listen.

Dr. Hyman says that, "By transforming the food you eat, you can upgrade your biological software literally within days.” Those are powerful words. You can eat those words. He goes on to explain that your health journey does not have to be daunting or hard. Just take small steps in the right direction toward your goal. Please take a few minutes and watch for yourself.

My favorite quote of Dr. Hyman's (which might also be my mantra of the year) is, "Friend power is so much more powerful than willpower." You've got a friend in me.

I'm going to be taking my own suggestion here to make smarter choices with my health so that my life is filled with energy, abundance and love.

Cheers, h



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