and we're LIVE... again

As you may know, after GoDaddy hiked their hosting prices last July, we switched web hosting providers and... let's just say... things did not go as planned. Our site did not transfer correctly, links broke, we lost all our e-mail, and... the biggest fail was we lost all our subscribers.

Needless to say, Heather and I have been working with the provider to get everything rectified, but things seemed beyond repair. Last week, we decided to switch providers once again and we spent many hours rebuilding our old posts.

Unfortunately, we still were unable to rebuild most of our subscriber list. So... If you subscribed in the past (and didn't get this as an e-mail update), we ask that you do so again to stay up on the latest in phoodmoose news. We can't promise everything won't go to hell in a hand-basket again, but we'll do what we can to keep everything up and running.

In the meantime... check out some of the posts that probably never made it to primetime while things were wonky. We've both been making a ton of good phood and we've MISSED YOU!


p & h

