So what are some of the things we’ve done to focus on the real?
We’ve ditched the soy and gluten. Aside from a few (completely worth it) croissants in Paris, we have been gluten-free since October of 2012.
We’ve reduced and/or eliminated BPA, parabens, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), triclosan and triclocarban. Even she who is not yet ready to stop coloring her hair has switched to a less offensive brand.
We’ve committed to organic foods whenever possible and we stand behind our decision to consume food products with ingredients found in nature.
We purchase meat-shares from local farms that we feel good supporting, who raise grass fed, pasture raised animals (that we can meet) that produce amazing meat.
We’ve swapped our toxic cleaning products for natural alternatives. This was, by far, the easiest change to make.
We’ve started making our own beauty products, and shopping for clean brands with ingredients that we can pronounce.
We found essential oils. EOs combine the best properties of nature into tiny little drops of amazingness! After extensive research, we determined that the Young Living difference is our choice for the most pure, therapeutic-grade and real essential oils available. We stand behind YL and trust that the Seed to Seal Promise guarantees that Young Living products set the standard for authenticity and purity.